Mahindra Manulife
Liquid Fund

(An open ended liquid scheme.
A relatively low interest rate risk and
moderate credit risk.)

One Pager December 31, 2024

1 Low volatility: Relatively safer during times of high market volatility as liquid funds usually invest in Commercial Papers, Certificate of Deposits, CBLO/ Repos and in short term debt instruments with maturity profile of not more than 91 days.
2 Easy liquidity: Investors can invest in liquid funds even for a day.
3 Cash Management Tool for treasuries of any size: Optimal utilization of idle cash for cash management purposes.
  • High quality instruments

  • Tactical allocation to mark to market

  • Focusing on liquidity of the portfolio
  • We continue to maintain a healthy mix of certificate of deposits and commercial papers

  • We will attempt to ensure adequate liquidity, safety and accrual

Under normal circumstances the asset allocation pattern will be:
InstrumentsIndicative Allocation (%of net assets)
Money Market instruments (including cash, repo, CPs, CDs, Treasury Bills and Government securities) with maturity / residual maturity up to 91 days50%100%
Debt instruments (including floating rate debt instruments and securitized debt)* with maturity/residual maturity up to 91 days0%50%

*securitized debt cumulative allocation not to exceed 30% of the net assets of the Scheme. For complete details on asset allocation please refer SID available on or visit your nearest Investor Service Centre

Benchmark: CRISIL Liquid Debt A-I Index
Entry Load: N.A.
Exit Load:
Investor Exit upon subscriptionExit Load as % of redemption proceed
Day 1 0.0070%
Day 2 0.0065%
Day 3 0.0060%
Day 4 0.0055%
Day 5 0.0050%
Day 6 0.0045%
Day 7 onwards 0.0000%
Redemption /Switch-Out of Units would be done on First in First out Basis (FIFO).
The above mentioned exit load shall not apply to the Unclaimed Plan offered under this scheme.

Total Experience : 22 years
Experience in managing this fund: 8 years and 6 months (managing since July 4, 2016)

Total Experience : 19 years
Experience in managing this fund: 4 years and 7 months (Managing since June 8, 2020)

Note: The data/statistics given above are to explain general market trends in the securities market, it should not be construed as any research report/research recommendation.
December 31, 2024
AUM (Rs. In Crore) 1,157.76
Quarterly AAUM (Rs. In Crore) 1,359.51
Monthly AAUM (Rs. In Crore) 1,302.85
Annualised Portfolio YTM*1 7.25%
Macaulay Duration (days) 58.08
Modified Duration 0.16
Residual Maturity (days) 58.10

November 30, 2024
AUM (Rs. In Crore) 1,305.30
Quarterly AAUM (Rs. In Crore) -
Monthly AAUM (Rs. In Crore) 1,385.39
Annualised Portfolio YTM*1 7.13%
Macaulay Duration (days) 38.65
Modified Duration 0.11
Residual Maturity (days) 38.74
*In case of semi annual YTM, it will be annualised
1Yield to maturity should not be construed as minimum return offered by the Scheme

**Cash & Cash Equivalents includes Fixed Deposits, Cash & Current Assets and TREPS.
Data as on December 31, 2024

**Cash & Cash Equivalents includes Fixed Deposits, Cash & Current Assets and TREPS.
Data as on December 31, 2024

December 31, 2024
Security % to Net Assets
91 Days Tbill (MD 28/03/2025) (SOV) 10.64%
Punjab National Bank (CRISIL A1+ rated CD) 8.51%
HDFC Bank Limited (CARE A1+ rated CD) 8.51%
Bank of Baroda (ICRA A1+ / FITCH A1+ rated CD) 6.39%
Small Industries Dev Bank ofIndia (CRISIL A1+ / CARE A1+ rated CD) 4.70%
PNB Housing Finance Limited (CRISIL A1+ rated CP) 4.30%
Tata Housing Development Company Limited (CARE A1+ rated CP) 4.30%
Motilal Oswal Financial Services Limited (ICRA A1+ rated CP) 4.28%
Indian Railway Finance Corporation Limited (CRISIL A1+ rated CP) 4.25%
National Bank For Agricultureand Rural Development (CRISIL A1+ rated CD) 4.25%
TOTAL 60.13%

November 30, 2024
Security % to Net Assets
Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited (CRISIL A1+ rated CP) 7.61%
Axis Bank Limited (CRISIL A1+ rated CD) 5.70%
State Bank of India (CRISIL A1+ rated CD) 5.69%
364 Days Tbill (MD 26/12/2024) (SOV) 4.18%
LIC Housing Finance Limited CRISIL AAA rated CB) 3.81%
Export Import Bank of India CRISIL A1+ rated CP) 3.80%
Reliance Industries Limited (CRISIL A1+ rated CP) 3.80%
Aditya Birla Finance Limited (FITCH A1+ rated CP) 3.80%
Godrej Properties Limited (CRISIL A1+ rated CP) 3.78%
Kotak Mahindra Bank Limitedn (CRISIL A1+ rated CD) 3.77%
TOTAL 45.93%
CP - Commercial Paper, CD - Certificate of Deposit, CB - Corporate Bond, SOV- Sovereign
• Take measured exposure into a new asset class
• Rebalance your portfolio
• Daily • Weekly • Monthly • Quarterly
Any date^ of your choice
• 6 instalments of ₹500 each under daily, weekly and monthly frequency
• 4 instalments of ₹1500 each under quarterly frequency

• Meet regular expenses
• Monthly • Quarterly
Any date of your choice
• 2 instalments of ₹ 500 each under monthly/ quarterly frequency

^STP can be registered for any date under the monthly and quarterly frequencies and for any business day under the weekly frequency.
Mahindra Manulife Liquid Fund

^Benchmark ^^Additional Benchmark. CAGR – Compounded Annual Growth Rate. Inception/Allotment date: 04-Jul-16.
Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and should not be used as a basis of comparison with other investments. Since inception returns of the scheme is calculated on face value of Rs. 1,000 invested at inception. The performance details provided above are of Growth Option under Regular Plan. Different Plans i.e Regular Plan and Direct Plan under the scheme has different expense structure. *Based on standard investment of Rs. 10,000 made at the beginning of the relevant period. Mr Amit Garg is managing the scheme since June 8, 2020.

^Benchmark CAGR – Compounded Annual Growth Rate. ##Dedicated Fund Manager for Overseas Investmentss
Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and should not be used as a basis of comparison with other investments. The performance details provided above are of Growth Option under Regular Plan. Different Plans i.e Regular Plan and Direct Plan under the scheme has different expense structure. Mr. Rahul Pal manages 11 schemes of Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund and Mr. Amit Garg is managing 5 schemes of Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund. The performance data for the schemes which have not completed one year has not been provided.
Note: As December 31, 2024 was a non business day, the schemes returns disclosed are as on December 31, 2024, except for Mahindra Manulife Liquid Fund and Mahindra Manulife Overnight Fund which is as of December 31, 2024

Pursuant to Clause 17.5 of the SEBI Master Circular SEBI/HO/IMD/IMD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2024/90 dated June 27, 2024 Potential Risk Class (‘PRC’) Matrix for debt schemes based on Interest Rate Risk and Credit Risk is as follows:
Scheme Name
Mahindra Manulife Liquid Fund

This product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
• Regular income over short term
• Investment in money market and debt instruments

Scheme Riskometer

Scheme Benchmark
As per AMFI Tier I Benchmark i.e. CRISIL Liquid Debt A-I Index

Benchmark Riskometer

*Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.

Readers of this material should rely on information / data arising out of their own investigations and advised to seek independent professional advice and arrive at an informed decision before making any investments. Neither Mahindra Manulife Investment Management Private Limited nor Mahindra Manulife Trustee Private Limited, its directors or associates shall be liable for any damages that may arise from the use of the information contained herein.

Get in Touch: Unit No. 204, 2nd Floor, Amiti Building, Piramal Agastya Corporate Park, LBS Road, Kamani Junction, Kurla (W), Mumbai – 400 070.
Phone: +91-22-66327900, Fax: +91-22-66327932 Toll Free No.: 1800 419 6244

Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.